5 November 2014

Andris Poga & Munich Philharmonic

Dear Friends,

Andris Poga, winner of the 2nd Svetlanov Competition, is back from a triumphal asian tour of November 2014 with Munich Philharmonic where he replaced the late Lorin Maazel and Valery Gergiev.

«This loss (the death of Lorin Maazel) led to an unexpected and appreciated encounter: « Itwas a blessing in disguise », this was the phrase which could be heard during the tour from several musicians and from the Philharmonic’s general manager Paul Muller. The « blessing » in this context was Andris Poga, a slightly inconspicuous young Latvian musician, who was able to retrieve scintillatingly beautiful and thoroughly sophisticated interpretations from the orchestra. By the end of the tour in Taipei he had won the affections of the orchestra so much that the musicians applauded for a long time after the last rehearsal. Also, the promise to invite him soon to Munich was mentioned several times.»

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